7. Thinking on our Failure regarding God (sin)

It is touching to read a Psalm of a broken-hearted David, which he prayed after having committed adultery. He had just one wish:


“Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin . . . Against you, you only, have  I sinned and done what is evil in your sight . . . Hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity. Create in me a pure heart, O God . . . ” (Psalm 51:2, 4, 9 – 10).


King David was distressed when he realised that he had not just sinned against people, but that he had actually sinned against his holy God!


I think I have to stop at this point. There is more than enough to think about. I plan to continue and conclude this subject in my next letter. If you found this letter to be depressing, you are perfectly right. It shows us as who we are. It would be worse to live without the hope for a solution. Fortunately, God offers one!


So then, as-Salam’allay-kum!


Yours sincerely
